Lorri Haines And Ferne McCann: Uniting Entrepreneurship And Empathy In Healthcare

Lorri Haines And Ferne McCann: Uniting Entrepreneurship And Empathy In Healthcare

The Mirror Review reports that Lorri Haines (Co-founder and CEO of Shoorah Ltd.) and Ferne McCann (Co-founder and COO) stand as luminaries who have navigated distinct paths toward success and personal growth. Lorri Haines, a resolute entrepreneur, spent over a decade mastering the art of business, propelling multiple six-figure companies to success despite facing formidable… Continue reading Lorri Haines And Ferne McCann: Uniting Entrepreneurship And Empathy In Healthcare

Becoming More Patient: A Mindful Approach to Boost Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Becoming More Patient: A Mindful Approach to Boost Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Impatience can easily become a constant companion, leading to stress and affecting our mental health and emotional wellbeing. As we navigate the challenges of our daily routines, adopting a mindful approach can be transformative in cultivating patience. Patience is not merely the ability to wait; it’s about maintaining a calm and composed demeanor in the… Continue reading Becoming More Patient: A Mindful Approach to Boost Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Nurturing Mental Health: The Power of Trusting Your Intuition

Nurturing Mental Health: The Power of Trusting Your Intuition

Decisions in our busy lives often demand swift responses, trusting your intuition can be a guiding light for maintaining mental health and overall wellbeing. Intuition, often described as the “gut feeling” or an inner knowing, is a powerful tool that can help you navigate life’s complexities. In this blog, we’ll delve into why it’s crucial… Continue reading Nurturing Mental Health: The Power of Trusting Your Intuition

Cultivating the Best Version of Yourself for a Fulfilling Relationship

Cultivating the Best Version of Yourself for a Fulfilling Relationship

A successful and fulfilling relationship is built on more than just love and chemistry. It requires the active participation of two individuals who are committed to becoming the best versions of themselves, not only for their own wellbeing but also for the health of the partnership. In this blog, we will explore how to bring… Continue reading Cultivating the Best Version of Yourself for a Fulfilling Relationship

Nurturing Your Inner World: 5 Ways to Tap into Your Feelings for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Nurturing Your Inner World: 5 Ways to Tap into Your Feelings for Mental Health and Wellbeing

In a fast-paced world filled with distractions and external pressures, it’s essential to find ways to reconnect with your inner self and tap into your feelings. Prioritising your emotional well-being through self-awareness and self-care can have profound effects on your mental health. Here are five effective ways to nurture your inner world and enhance your… Continue reading Nurturing Your Inner World: 5 Ways to Tap into Your Feelings for Mental Health and Wellbeing

World’s top scientists recommend spending minimum of 3 hours per week on stress reduction techniques to reduce blood pressure

World's top scientists recommend spending minimum of 3 hours per week on stress reduction techniques to reduce blood pressure

The International Society of Hypertension has published a ground-breaking report highlighting the imortance of stress reduction and sleep in reducing high blood pressure. The huge study – endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension – looked into the main factors causing high blood pressure in societies around the world. Stress This… Continue reading World’s top scientists recommend spending minimum of 3 hours per week on stress reduction techniques to reduce blood pressure

Three Simple Steps to a Better Day: Embracing Mental Wellbeing, Self-Care, Mindfulness, and Joy

Three Simple Steps to a Better Day: Embracing Mental Wellbeing, Self-Care, Mindfulness, and Joy

Did you know that with a few simple steps, you can infuse your day with self-care, mindfulness, and joy. Let’s explore three straightforward yet effective ways to have a better day and promote mental wellbeing. Morning Mindfulness Routine: Start Your Day with Presence The way you begin your morning often sets the tone for the… Continue reading Three Simple Steps to a Better Day: Embracing Mental Wellbeing, Self-Care, Mindfulness, and Joy

Clearing Your Mind Before Bed: A Path to Restorative Sleep and Mental Wellbeing

Clearing Your Mind Before Bed: A Path to Restorative Sleep and Mental Wellbeing

With the constant demands of work, family, and technology, the concept of clearing one’s mind before bed has become a lost art. However, nurturing this habit can be the key to unlocking the gateway to restorative sleep, stress reduction, and overall mental health and wellbeing. The moments leading up to sleep are an opportunity to… Continue reading Clearing Your Mind Before Bed: A Path to Restorative Sleep and Mental Wellbeing

The Power of Your Breath: A Path to Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Power of Your Breath: A Path to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Many of us still overlook a powerful tool that’s readily available to us – our breath. The practice of breathwork, combined with mindfulness, holds the key to unlocking a world of mental health and wellbeing, providing a profound sense of calm and stress reduction. Shoorah’s breathwork experts will tell you everything you need to know… Continue reading The Power of Your Breath: A Path to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Start-up Shoorah provides mental health and wellbeing support to thousands

Start-up Shoorah provides mental health and wellbeing support to thousands

Media outlet The Bulrushes reports on Shoorah’s emergence as a key mental health and wellbeing app. The publication writes……… Mental health is just like the body, it requires us to take care of it to feel at our best.   The World Health Organisation says: “Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people… Continue reading Start-up Shoorah provides mental health and wellbeing support to thousands

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